Joint Press Statement by Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB) & Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand

In a joint press statement on 30 Dec 2024, Australia-based NGOs, the Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB) and Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) have expressed strong support for and commended the bravery and determination of Sabah university students who have proposed demonstrations against corruption 31 Dec 2024.

The 2 non-governmental organisations dedicated to seeking real self-determination for Sabah and Sarawak, firmly uphold the principles of integrity, accountability, and self-government.

The NGOs said that the students’ activism is a testament to the spirit of the youth, who are refusing to accept the status quo of corruption and injustice. Their commitment to demanding accountability is an inspiration to all Sabahans, and they fully support their call for a government free from corruption. 

“We urge that these efforts be conducted with fairness and impartiality, ensuring that all forms of corruption are addressed without bias or selective targeting. The future of Sabah rests on the shoulders of its youth, and their efforts must be guided by integrity, transparency, and the pursuit of the greater good.”

It is important to recognize that corruption at the federal level has played a pivotal role in nurturing the culture of corruption that continues to plague Sabah and Sarawak. The creation of Malaysia itself was marked by corruption at the highest level, with the British bribery of their nominees to sign the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63). 

This historical precedent set the tone for political practices that have continued unchecked at the federal level, which in turn fostered similar corrupt practices in Sabah and Sarawak. The political systems in both states have suffered as a result, as the pervasive culture of corruption from the top has trickled down to local governance. This has undermined public trust and fundamentally hindered the growth and progress of both states.

RSNB and SSRANZ believe that corruption has also facilitated the federal government's control over the 2 Borneo state governments, undermining their ability to exercise self-government by eroding transparency and accountability.

The NGOs are steadfast in their commitment to combat corruption in all its forms as part of their campaign for Sabah and Sarawak self-determination. Corruption is a cancer that erodes public trust, weakens institutions, and hampers Sabah’s development. No individual, political organisation or institution should be beyond scrutiny. Anti-corruption efforts must be inclusive and non-selective, targeting all forms of wrongdoing regardless of rank or affiliation. Transparency and accountability must remain the cornerstone of governance in Sabah.

As Sabah moves forward, RSNB and SSRANZ call on all Sabahans to unite in pursuit of a just, transparent, and sovereign state. It is only through collective action—free from corruption and external interference—that we can achieve true independence and prosperity.

“We reiterate our commitment to championing these principles and urge all stakeholders—political leaders, institutions, and civil society—to uphold the values of democracy, accountability, and the people’s right to self-determination.”

Mosses PA Ampang

President of Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB) NGO


Robert Pei 

President of Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) NGO

Endorsed by

1. Daniel John Jambun President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

2. Peter John Jaban Founder  Sarawakians for Sarawak & Saya Anak Sarawak

3. Emily Edward - President of Sabah Sarawak Borneo Natives Organisation of Australia

4. Yu Chin Liik, Plaintiff on MA63 2018 CASE

Sila fahami gambarajah ini. 

Ketua-Ketua Kerajaan yang mentadbir Negara British, malaya, Singapura, British North Borneo (Sabah) dan British Sarawak adalah seperti berikut pada waktu tandatangan perjanjian malaysia dilakukan pada 9 Julai 1963.

Adakah Ketua Kerajaan British North Borneo pada waktu itu adalah Donald Stephen (Tun Fuad) atau Tun Mustapha?

Adakah Ketua Kerajaan British Sarawak pada waktu itu Stephen Kalong Ningkan?

Jikalau Ketua Kerajaan pada waktu itu bukan mereka, apakah yang menyakinkan anda kononnya kepimpinan kita menandatangani perjanjian tersebut sebagai rakan kongsi yang sama rata?

Mengapa kita merendahkan kecerdikan dan kebijaksanaan pada tahap yang sangat rendah sehingga pada hari ini? 

Mengapakah kita tidak mampu menerima, memahami dan menyedari bahawa kita benar-benar diperdaya, ditipu, telah dan sedang dijajah oleh satu perjanjian yang dilakukan oleh British dan malaya tanpa mandat kita melalui Kerajaan yang demokrasi?

Ia adalah satu perjanjian yang dilakukan secara tidak sah dan melanggar resolusi PBB 1514/1541 kerana proses dekolonisasi TIDAK BERLAKU pada waktu sebaliknya kita telah diserahkan secara tidak sah, tanpa referendum, tanpa Kerajaan Demokrasi ketika ‘Kecemasan/Darurat’ diistiharkan bagi mendiamkan penentangan kita!

Marilah kita bersatu dan bergerak kearah untuk memperbetulkan Perjalanan politik Bangsa kita melalui Kemerdekaan untuk menubuhkan Kerajaan Negara Republik Sabah Borneo Utara dalam tempoh 10 tahun daripada sekarang!

Berikan pandangan anda dan bincangkan.

Melbourne, 15 September 2024
 – Satu demonstrasi aman telah diadakan hari ini di luar Parlimen Victoria, dengan para penunjuk perasaan menyeru perhatian antarabangsa terhadap penjajahan negara-negara Borneo—Sabah dan Sarawak—oleh Malaya (kini dikenali sebagai Malaysia) sejak 16 September 1963. Demonstrasi ini dianjurkan oleh beberapa NGO dan salah satunya ialah Mosses PA Ampang, Presiden Republik Sabah North Borneo, sebuah NGO yang berdaftar di Victoria, Australia, dan bertujuan untuk mendapatkan sokongan global dalam menangani rungutan politik dan wilayah yang telah lama dihadapi oleh rakyat Borneo.

Protes ini memperingati ulang tahun hari di mana pada tahun 1963, Malaya, atas alasan membentuk "Malaysia," meluaskan sempadan politiknya untuk memasukkan Sabah dan Sarawak. Para penunjuk perasaan berhujah bahawa tiada negara baru yang dibentuk pada hari tersebut; sebaliknya, ia merupakan peluasan strategik kawalan Malaya ke atas Borneo. Dalam ucapannya, Ampang menyatakan, “Pembentukan Malaysia yang kononnya berlaku adalah satu muslihat politik yang dilakukan melalui paksaan, penipuan, dan tanpa persetujuan rakyat Borneo. Tiada referendum yang pernah diadakan, menjadikan ia satu penjajahan yang tidak sah ke atas tanah kami.”

Menurut Ampang dan para penunjuk perasaan, Perjanjian Malaysia 1963, yang membenarkan penjajahan ini, adalah batal dan tidak sah sejak awal (ab initio). Pandangan ini disokong oleh preseden antarabangsa seperti kes Kepulauan Chagos, yang memutuskan bahawa koloni tidak mempunyai kapasiti untuk menandatangani perjanjian antarabangsa atas nama mereka sendiri. Ampang turut menekankan bahawa North Borneo dan Sarawak tidak pernah menjadi pihak dalam Perjanjian Malaysia, dengan Peguam Kerajaan British di Sarawak ketika itu turut mengakui bahawa penyertaan Borneo dalam Malaysia hanya untuk tujuan persembahan. "Perjanjian Malaysia hanyalah perjanjian dua hala antara Britain dan Malaya, yang mengenepikan hak rakyat Borneo untuk menentukan masa depan mereka sendiri," kata Ampang.

Demonstrasi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran di kalangan rakyat Australia dan masyarakat antarabangsa mengenai tuntutan keadilan oleh rakyat Borneo. "Rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak berhak untuk mendapatkan kemerdekaan, dan mereka perlu diberi peluang untuk meluahkan hak demokratik mereka," kata Ampang, sambil menyeru penamatan apa yang beliau anggap sebagai “penjajahan Malaya” ke atas negara-negara Borneo. Beliau menambah, "Demonstrasi aman ini adalah satu seruan untuk mendapatkan sokongan antarabangsa bagi mendesak Malaysia supaya menghormati hak-hak rakyat Borneo. Sudah tiba masanya untuk keadilan, dan dunia perlu berdiri bersama kami."

Acara ini menggariskan usaha berterusan oleh NGO Republik Sabah North Borneo dan kumpulan-kumpulan kemerdekaan Borneo lain untuk menimbulkan kesedaran tentang konteks sejarah dan politik seputar Perjanjian Malaysia. Ampang dan para penunjuk perasaan menegaskan semula tuntutan mereka agar komuniti antarabangsa mengakui ketidaksahan perjanjian tersebut dan mencari penyelesaian aman yang menghormati hak rakyat Borneo untuk menentukan nasib mereka sendiri.

Ketika demonstrasi berakhir, para penganjur menegaskan komitmen mereka untuk terus memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Sabah dan Sarawak, sambil menggesa badan-badan antarabangsa untuk campur tangan dan memberi sokongan yang diperlukan bagi menamatkan apa yang mereka anggap sebagai penjajahan yang tidak adil.


Melbourne, September 14, 2024
 – Three prominent advocacy organizations, Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB), and Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM), will unite to stage a peaceful demonstration in front of the Victorian Parliamentary building. The event is scheduled to coincide with the 61st anniversary of what these groups refer to as "Malaysia's occupation" of Sabah and Sarawak since September 16, 1963.

This date, celebrated in Malaysia as Malaysia Day, is viewed by the organizers as a reminder of the historical grievances experienced by the people of Sabah (formerly North Borneo) and Sarawak. These two Borneo states were originally led to believe that they were part of the formation of a new country, but, according to the organizers, this promise was never fulfilled. Instead, they claim that the reality was an expansion of the Malayan Federation into Borneo, later renamed Malaysia, resulting in what the NGOs argue is an ongoing occupation by Peninsular Malaysia.

A Peaceful Call for Awareness and Justice

The demonstration aims to raise international awareness about the ongoing situation in Sabah and Sarawak, which the NGOs argue is one of systematic suppression, injustice, and exploitation by the central government in Kuala Lumpur. According to the organizers, this is an opportunity to educate the international community on what they perceive as a 61-year-long oppression and to correct misconceptions surrounding the creation of Malaysia.

The demonstration will also highlight:

  1. Injustice and Misrepresentation: The organizers will address what they call the "betrayal" of Sabah and Sarawak, emphasizing that the Malaysia Agreement of 1963 (MA63) misled the people of both states into believing they would be equal partners in a new federation. Instead, they argue, the agreement enabled Malaya to consolidate control over their territories.
  2. Harassment and Intimidation: The NGOs will present instances of alleged harassment, intimidation, and political suppression of individuals and groups advocating for Sabah and Sarawak's rights. This includes accusations of legal threats, arrests, and a lack of autonomy for local political leaders, all of which contribute to what they describe as a stifling of free expression in the Borneo states.
  3. Cultural and Economic Exploitation: Another focus will be on the alleged economic exploitation of Sabah and Sarawak, particularly in terms of natural resources like oil and gas. The groups argue that the wealth generated from these resources has not been equitably distributed to the people of Borneo, leaving both states impoverished while contributing significantly to Malaysia's overall economy.

A Broader Movement for Independence

The peaceful demonstration is part of a larger movement led by these NGOs advocating for the independence of Sabah and Sarawak from Malaysia. The Republic of Sabah North Borneo (RSNB) has been at the forefront of these efforts, with its president, Mosses PA Ampang, calling for international support for the right to self-determination. The Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia & New Zealand (SSRANZ) organization lead by Robert Pei, founded in July 2017, has also been actively organizing forums, live talks, and public meetings to strengthen the push for independence.

Advocates point to historical grievances dating back to the signing of the Malaysia Agreement 1963, which they argue was neither fully understood by the people of Borneo nor implemented in the way it was initially promised. Calls to revisit or even nullify the agreement have been mounting, especially in light of a growing sense of disenfranchisement among the indigenous peoples of Sabah and Sarawak.

Voices of Resistance Amidst Threats

Despite the peaceful nature of their demonstrations and outreach efforts, activists involved in the independence movement have faced numerous challenges. RSNB, SSRANZ, and SSKM have all reported receiving threats, including warnings that members could face imprisonment if they return to Malaysia. However, the growing international presence of these organizations, particularly in Australia and New Zealand, has allowed them to continue their advocacy while highlighting the plight of Sabah and Sarawak on the global stage.

Mosses PA Ampang, president of RSNB, has repeatedly emphasized the importance of these demonstrations in giving a voice to the people of Borneo who, he says, have been silenced for far too long. "We are not seeking conflict, but we are seeking justice. The world needs to know the truth about what happened in 1963 and how it continues to affect us today," Ampang stated in a recent interview.

Rallying for Global Attention

As the peaceful demonstration approaches, organizers are hopeful that it will not only shed light on the issues faced by the Borneo states but also garner international support for their cause. The event, they hope, will serve as a platform for the people of Sabah and Sarawak to share their stories and push for a resolution to what they perceive as a long-standing injustice.

With the upcoming demonstration on September 15, 2024, the voices of Sabah and Sarawak are growing louder, calling for an end to what they describe as six decades of occupation and a new chapter of independence and self-determination.

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